Coming soon to Chicago's Platform Studios is the Figurative Illustration Workshop with Aaron Miller. Saturday, June 4, 2011 the first of once monthly sessions will begin.
Based on the figure drawing sessions most artists are familiar with, the Figurative Illustration Workshop will take those sessions to the next level. Artists and illustrators will have opportunity to work from a costumed model and other props, giving artists and illustrators the benefits of using reference for a project.
The focus of these workshops is to give artists and illustrators a chance to develop a working process they can develop with models and reference. At the end of the session there will be an opportunity for reference photos and possibly pose requests for the model. The studies from the session can be helpful if an artist wants to continue that months theme for a portfolio project.
More details can be found in the "information" section. Please check back or
contact me for more information.
Our first model is confirmed:
We'll be drawing and painting an astronaut!